Website Privacy Policy

The goal of the Enterprisecoach web site is to provide you with the information and opportunities you need to interact with us for your benefit and ours. This privacy policy governs information related to this website, and is in addition to the ICF code of ethics which governs our coaching activities.

We aim to make this an easy and effective experience for you, without compromising your privacy or ours. While you can access most areas without submitting data, there are instances in which we’ll request some information from you (for example, when you sign up for coaching, or fill out a request form). This allows us to provide you with the most relevant and effective information for your needs.

Full contact details of this coaching practice are available on request. The only reason they are not more prominently displayed on this website is the unpleasant consequence of automated web crawling services that tend to “harvest” such information for unsolicited “spam” purposes.

Our policy is to let you know before we collect personal information from you on the Internet. If you choose to give us personal information – for example, to book a course, to complete a survey, to request further information, or to download an article – it is our intent to use that information purely to communicate with you about your opinions and needs in relation to the services offered on this website. We will not distribute your personal information to third parties.

We may also keep track of the general Internet domains from which people visit us, and what pages they access. We analyze this data for trends and statistics so that we can provide the most effective web site possible.

In some areas, include links to other web sites. Note that we do not review the privacy practices of those sites, or make any assertions regarding the privacy of information you enter outside of

Legal stuff

Copyright Notice
The contents of this website are copyright ©2007-2019 Mish Middelmann. All rights reserved. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Unless identified with the designation “Copy Freely” or attributed to another source, the contents of this website are copyrighted by Mish Middelmann. Mish Middelmann hereby authorizes you to copy documents published by this website on the World Wide Web for non-commercial use within your organization and/or to inform others about the services offered in this website. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of these documents you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein.

You may not otherwise copy or transmit the contents of this website either electronically or in hard copies. You may not alter the content of this website in any manner. If you are interested in using the contents of this website in any manner except as described above, please contact Mish Middelmann.

Individual documents published by the website on the World Wide Web may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information specific to that individual document. Except as expressly provided above nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any copyright or other property right of Mish Middelmann or any third party.