Coaching supervision with a systemic lens

If your work involves coaching, you can do it better by engaging from time to time in collaborative, reflective coaching supervision with me. I bring special expertise and experience in coaching human systems, from partnerships through teams to large scale organizational transformation.

I am pouring my experience as a CEO, a systemic leadership and team coach, and a deeply experienced ORSC global course leader and mentor-coach into a new offering: to be your broad-based reflective coaching supervisor. If you hire me as your supervisor, I promise to:

  • Sit next to you as we collaboratively explore whatever is bothering you or your client(s), and how you might serve your client system better
  • Hold a safe and courageous space for you to explore your own strengths, challenges and blind spots as a coach
  • Help you connect your work to both your own core purpose and that of your clients and their organizations
  • Work with you to rigorously examine the choices you make as a coach and widen your practical range in how you show up
  • Explore with you how to improve the value your work generates for your direct clients and the wider systems they serve.

Special offer

Inviting you to try this out with me at low risk (book before 15 July 2023). A one hour, full value session at half price ($125 instead of $250)

Offer open to any coaches who work with a systemic approach, regardless of whether you trained in the same coaching schools as me.

How it works

I work globally. We book your session(s) to suit our mutual time zones. Then you bring a case from your practice, where you have identified an issue or opportunity you would like to explore. You never have to give identifying details for your clients and I hold everything you share strictly confidential. When we meet,

  • We have a courageous conversation about your coaching work, looking through a systemic lens at your chosen client and issue, and your coaching.
  • We explore together what is happening in the wider system, and what happened in the (team or individual) coaching session.
  • With my support you figure out how how you can generate more value for your client and the wider system they belong to in future.
  • You identify the changes you want to make and how you will measure your success.

Coaching supervision is a collaborative process facilitating coaches (and coach supervisors) to grow their reflective practice with a view to continuous improvement and professional development, client safety and the strengthening of professional identity. The process considers the entire system surrounding the supervisee and their client work and seeks to bring value to all those stakeholders connected to that work. (Clutterbuck, Whitaker & Lucas 2016)

Trained and experienced

Click here for more about Mish

Coaching hours
Hours supervising coaches

Supervision Qualities


We work together, metaphorically shoulder to shoulder, exploring your world and its possibilities


Connecting client agendas to their deeper purpose is the rocket fuel that drives transformation


You get to choose what is important. And I might throw in some crazy wisdom along the way

Still waters run deep

Sometimes the biggest learning comes from embracing quiet space

Acceleration welcome

When it is time to go fast I’ll match you in head, heart and passion


We will hold exquisite sensitivity and care for the dreams and the vulnerabilities of everybody in the system, including you


People’s lives are at stake. Courage and willingness to challenge all kinds of sacred cows is needed.

Embracing Diversity

For a system to thrive, different voices and experiences must be welcomed as full contributors


Always open to new and unexpected opportunities