What it really takes for smart collaboration

Business cases for smart collaboration abound, yet genuine creative collaboration in business is remarkably rare. As Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School Heidi Gardner PhD points out in her forthcoming book Smart Collaboration, people need to collaborate across a variety of specialisations as well as personal and cultural differences for them and their businesses to [...]

2024-01-31T13:00:31-05:00April 20th, 2019|Organisation, Team|

Constellations – the language of human systems

Last week it was brought home to me just how important constellations are as the language of relationship systems (relationship system = an interdependent group with common purpose or identity). A group of relatively new ORSC practitioners was meeting on Skype, coming from a variety of dimensions of our world – working in the [...]

2019-05-02T10:23:17-04:00April 20th, 2019|Organisation, Team|

Lessons from the person who bought my business

Just over ten years ago, I sold my shares in the hi-tech business I had co-founded, and stepped out of the founder-CEO role. Recently I asked the buyer (who took over as CEO) to look back on the time of negotiating my departure and his takeover. Since then he and his team have [...]

2019-05-02T10:22:52-04:00April 20th, 2019|Individual, Organisation, Team|

Ubuntu’s roots go back a long way

We grew up in an era dominated by individualism and competition. These human traits have driven the accumulation of wealth, power and technological advancement and taken the world to a place where we stare into an abyss of global inequality and conflict. Many decisions are still being made on the assumption that it is [...]

2019-05-02T10:30:18-04:00April 20th, 2019|Individual, Organisation, Team|
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