Toronto’s social entrepreneurs

I'm inspired by Toronto's social entrepreneurs. As Keita Demming would say, we could drop the "social" epithet and recognise that they are really just good entrepreneurs, who understand that innovation and business success must serve people and planet. Over the last month I've met so many inspiring people at the Centre for Social Innovation, including: [...]

2024-03-09T14:17:21-05:00March 9th, 2024|Individual|

Lessons from the person who bought my business

Just over ten years ago, I sold my shares in the hi-tech business I had co-founded, and stepped out of the founder-CEO role. Recently I asked the buyer (who took over as CEO) to look back on the time of negotiating my departure and his takeover. Since then he and his team have [...]

2019-05-02T10:22:52-04:00April 20th, 2019|Individual, Organisation, Team|

Ubuntu’s roots go back a long way

We grew up in an era dominated by individualism and competition. These human traits have driven the accumulation of wealth, power and technological advancement and taken the world to a place where we stare into an abyss of global inequality and conflict. Many decisions are still being made on the assumption that it is [...]

2019-05-02T10:30:18-04:00April 20th, 2019|Individual, Organisation, Team|

Pensioning off the concept of “retirement”

October 2014: I heard an investment ad for on the radio this week "you only get 480 paycheques in the average lifetime - followed by 300 paydays with no paycheque." What a crazy idea! This model is OVER and it is time to align our thinking and life planning for 21st century realities. If you [...]

2019-04-22T13:16:09-04:00October 11th, 2014|Individual|

Burning off the fluff

January 2011: I’m just back from five nights alone in the hills of Retief’s Kloof in the Magaliesberg mountains and feeling deeply refreshed, energised and alive to new possibilities. There is something about alone time that burns off the fluff, helps get down to what is really important, and flushes out some of the chaotic [...]

2019-05-02T10:30:46-04:00January 22nd, 2011|Individual|
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